What can I do for KAB Week?

Go it alone
This KAB Week, you can personally make a difference while “out and about” in any of the following ways:
- Think before you leave home about minimising your need for waste and rubbish while you’re out.
- BYO Coffee Cup
- BYO Water Bottle
- BYO Take-away Containers
- BYO Smoothie Cup
and Straw
- Collect any rubbish you see when you’re out and put it in the nearest bin or take it home with you.
- Read our KAB WEEK BLOGS and follow our SOCIALS to learn about the impact plastic and organic litter has on biodiversity.
- Take our LITTERBUG QUIZ and see if there are ways you can improve your behaviour
- REPORT an issue in your local area: Litter | Dumping | Graffiti | Public Property Damage etc by using the SNAP SEND SOLVE APP.
- DONATE toward Keep Australia Beautiful’s pursuit of a litter-free Australia.

Join a group
There’s plenty going on around Australia this KAB Week. You can either instigate a group activity, or join an existing group.
- Initiate your own clean-up day around your local area, school or workplace
- Start a fundraiser at your school or workplace and DONATE to KAB.
- CONTACT your State KAB Organisation to see what events they may have planned NSW | NT | SA | TAS | VIC | WA
- Contact your local council / community groups and see what events may be planned in your area.
- JOIN a Landcare Volunteer Group as part of LANDCARE WEEK and assist with regenerating your local area
- Find out about ADOPT-A-PATCH – an all-year-round corporate volunteer program to get your team onboard and keep a local area clean.

Tell us about it
Now that you know what you’re doing for Keep Australia Beautiful Week, please REGISTER and tell us all about it.
- REGISTER your household, workplace, school, council, Landcare group or other community group and tell us your plans.
- SHARE your amazing work and conservation activities with us on socials
#KeepAustraliaBeautifulWeek #KABWeek #LandcareWeek #LeaveOnlyFootprints #DoTheRightThing #KeepAustraliaClean #KeepAustraliaBeautiful #LandCare
Check out the amazing $1475 prize pool up for grabs when you register for KAB Week 2024!
Thanks to our sponsors Go for zero, Paper saver, TerraCycle, Roo Bags & Snap Send Solve for donating these great prizes* to help Keep Australia Beautiful.
*Terms and conditions apply: Competition open to all Australian residents aged 16 years or over. By submitting an entry, participants agree to the use of their name, video and/or image in any publicity material. Competition open from 1 June 2024 – 18 August 2024 at 5pm AEDT. Limit of one entry per person. Winners announced 30 August 2024, 12pm AEDT. Read full Terms and Conditions >>
Keep Australia Beautiful and Landcare Australia share the same awareness raising campaign week in August in our joint mission to enhance our natural environments and preserve local biodiversity, so we encourage Litter Clean Ups and Planting Days to take place throughout this week around Australia.
Any community-led group working on environmental projects as part of KAB Week, can also get involved in Landcare Week 2024 to promote their great work and inspire people to get involved and volunteer.
If you would like to VOLUNTEER with an existing Landcare Group, and participate in tree planting in addition to your clean-up activity you can look up your area HERE
If you are interested in sponsoring, donating, or getting more involved during KABWeek
please contact us : admin@kab.org.au
@keepaustraliabeautiful #KABWeek #KeepAustraliaBeautifulWeek #DoTheRightThing
Every August, for over 50 years, Keep Australia Beautiful have been educating Australians about litter, waste and other key environmental issues throughout Keep Australia Beautiful Week.
This year KAB Week 2024 is going back to our roots and focusing on our fight toward litter prevention and biodiversity preservation.
During this week we are challenging members of the community, councils, schools and workplaces to initiate clean-ups or planting days from 5-11 August 2024.
We also urge everyone to conciously review their “on-the-go” habits while they enjoy the great outdoors, leaving nothing but footprints behind.
We welcome all Australians – young and old – to learn something new about the environment, litter and waste behaviour during this week, and encourage corporate Australia to get behind the cause to DO THE RIGHT THING & KEEP AUSTRALIA CLEAN!