We believe education is the key to effective and lasting change when it comes to sustainability. Our school-based programs are designed to build the next generation of eco-warriors.

Keep Australia Beautiful and Haymes Paint are encouraging primary schools around Australia to get creative and submit their nature-based mural design to
Paint Australia Beautiful for the 2025 competition.
8 winning schools (1 from each State/Territory) will WIN $500 CASH* & $750 in paint/supplies* from Haymes Paint.
This inaugural competition inspires students to think about their local environment and how to care for it. By letting their imaginations soar and expressing vision through a mural art project, students are encouraged to work collaboratively with their class mates.
We are proud to be running the Eco-Schools program in some States in Australia (NSW & NT).
Eco-Schools is an international environmental education framework and accreditation program that empowers students to be the change for a sustainable world by engaging them in fun, action-orientated learning. Australia was the 55th country to launch Eco-Schools in 2014. As of 2022, 72 countries participate in the program.
To become a member or to find out more, visit our eco-schools website.
Eco-Schools Australia is proudly supported by the Department of the Environment and Energy.