A BIG THANKYOU to the 2022 KAB Week Sponsors:
Simply Cups (Closed Loop) / Neuron / Go For Zero / TerraCycle / Yona / Bokashi One / Diminish / EarthCare Games

Those who want to join the Contain Your Waste Challenge should register HERE and learn more about the challenge and go into the draw to win a range of eco-friendly prizes.
There is a major prize offering for participating individuals, but also great prize opportunities for schools and businesses who may want to get involved. (See below for further prize details).
Participants are also encouraged to record their waste efforts over the week and upload their video or photos to the Keep Australia Beautiful website or share on social media using the hashtags:
#KABWeek #ContainYourWaste.

Sponsored by:
Simply Cups (Closed Loop) / Neuron / Go For Zero / TerraCycle / Yona / Bokashi One / Diminish / EarthCare Games
KAB Week Registered Major Individual Prize:
As an individual you will go into the draw to win:
A Yona bed base (any size) valued at $200
A Bokashi One starter pack valued at $200
A Diminish starter pack +PLUS one month FREE membership valued at $200
A Go For Zero eco-friendly pack valued at $500
KAB Week Social Media SHARE & WIN:
We are giving away
14 x One Month FREE Neuron e-scooter passes valued at $100 each
(valid in 14 major cities Nationally)#
All you need to do is :
1. Watch out for the KAB Week Neuron Post
2. Like it and Tag three friends in the post who live in one of the 14 eligible cities.
3. Share the post with your friends.
4. Register online for #KABWeek and #ContainYourWaste:
KAB Week Registered Business Prize:
All businesses will be added to a secondary draw to win the following:
A Simply Cups collection unit with 6 months free collections from Closed Loop valued at $500 *
A Bokashi One Starter pack valued at $200
A TerraCycle Zero Waste Box valued at $495
KAB Week Registered Schools:
The first school from each State to register will receive:
An EarthCare board game valued at $70
All registered schools (in one of the eligible States*) will receive a Simply Cups collection unit
from Closed Loop valued at $200
ALL schools will go into the draw to win:
A Bokashi One Starter pack valued at $200
*Simply Cups prize only valid for winners in NSW, WA, QLD, VIC, ACT
# Neuron e-scooters passes valid only in the following cities: Darwin, Townsville, Rockhampton, Bundaberg, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Frankston, Hobart, Launceston, Ballarat, Adelaide, Perth
[fusion_accordion border_size=”1″ hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility”][fusion_toggle title=”Our Complete Litter Toolkit” open=”no”]
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[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”Australasian Recycling Label” open=”no”]
Find a recycling service near you, Planet Ark.
[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”Tips on Reducing Packaging Waste” open=”no”]
[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”Soft Plastic Recycling” open=”no”]
For more information, visit Redcycle
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