Which Litterbug Personality are you?

When you are at the beach or park, do you sometimes bury your rubbish or food scraps in the sand or cover it with leaves?

You're an Undertaker

Don’t bury your rubbish at the beach or park.

This includes organic waste (chips, peels, cores, crusts, dog poo etc). It looks gross and can make wildlife and marine life sick.

If there’s no bin – take your rubbish with you.

Do you sometimes like to make a game out of throwing your rubbish in the bin?

You're a Foul Shooter

Littering is a filthy game! Don’t throw rubbish at bins – you’ll only make a mess.

Place the RIGHT rubbish in the RIGHT bin.

OR take your rubbish with you.

Do you think it's OK to throw organic waste like banana skins, apple cores, bread crusts etc on the ground because they will biodegrade?

You're a 90%er

When it comes to being “anti-litter” – 90% is NOT GOOD ENOUGH!

Your organic waste is still litter. If it doesnt grow there – It doesn’t belong there! (Includes dog poo)

If there’s no bin – take your organic waste with you.

Do you sometimes move or kick other peoples rubbish out the way because its not your problem?

You're a Clean sweeper

Clean up rubbish while you’re out, even if it’s not your own.

Don’t sweep rubbish away and think it’s not your issue.

If there’s no bin – Take ALL rubbish with you!

Do you think that someone else will pick up your rubbish later on so it's not your problem?

You're a Flagrant Flinger

Absence of a bin, doesnt mean you should have absence of a conscience.

Nobody likes a blatant litterbug

If there’s no bin – take your rubbish with you.

Do you sometimes 'move away' from your rubbish until it doesn't look like yours any more?

You're an Incher

Don’t move away from your rubbish pile.

Be accountable for what you bring with you, and dispose of it responsibly.

If there’s no bin – take your rubbish with you.

Do you sometimes stuff your rubbish down the side of your seat, or stick your chewing gum under a table?

You're a Wedger

Don’t jam rubbish into furniture or crevices.

Respect public property and don’t expect others to clean up your mess

If there’s no bin – take your rubbish with you.

Do you sometimes put your rubbish on top of, or near, the bin because the bin is already full?

You're a Brimmer

Don’t leave rubbish on top of bins.

Report overflowing rubbish bins to council.

If the bin is full – take your rubbish with you.