Paint Australia Beautiful – Shortlist Finalists 2023
This shortlist was selected on a number of criteria, but predominantly the unique creativity displayed in representing the school’s local natural environment and the environmental messaging and story behind the mural and what it meant to the school and community.
#paintaustraliabeautiful & tag @keepaustraliabeautiful & @haymespaint
then share the voting link, get the most votes and WIN!*
It’s now your job to VOTE & help us PICK A WINNER for each State and Territory.
These 6 WINNERS will then recieve $750 worth of paint and supplies from Haymes Paint to complete their masterpieces.
Upon completion of these murals, the winning schools will be presented with a Winners Plaque & a $500 Cash Donation for their school.
Those winning schools will then get the CHANCE to take out the Overall National Prize of $2000!

BLANDFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL (PREP- GRADE 5): Our design will represent our pride in our community. It will include all the elements that are endeared by every student. The construction of the design was a collaboration of ideas thought out with the help of various sources including YOUTUBE and other government websites. Discussions about our carbon footprint, the 3 R’s and pollution/preservation were all instrumental in considering the design and we therefore concluded to use a Picasso influenced design containing images from our art lessons to be built into a montage mural. Bright colours will be integral in the design to evoke our sense of happiness for the future.

KINGSGROVE PUBLIC SCHOOL (GRADE 3-4): Each student was able to contribute to the initial design process as well as the final coloured mural. Students selected paint colours and used their fingerprints in unique ways to create an incredibly intricate design boasting a heart shaped tree in the middle, multicoloured fingerprints as leaves coming off the branches and fingerprints for the grass in line with the tree. Students used their imagination and problem solving skills to create amazing animals such as bees, birds and caterpillars out of their fingerprints. They then decided on an environmentally important message: “One earth, one choice” highlighting the importance of caring for and catering to the needs of all environments as a whole to maintain our earth and be able to live the lives we lead. This mural signifies our connection to each other, our land and our school community through the vivid colours, meaningful imagery and crucial message.
#paintaustraliabeautiful & tag @keepaustraliabeautiful & @haymespaint then share the voting link, get the most votes and WIN!*

CASUARINA STREET PRIMARY (GRADE 6): This Artwork was designed by Charlie in Grade 6 who is a leader in sustainability at our school. Her artwork was inspired by the boab trees spread around the Northern Territory, and the thunderstorms that are around Katherine during the Wet Season. This mural shows cans and bottles hanging off the boab, which was inspired by the many sustainability programs at our school. A ten-cent bin we put our cans and poppers and bottles in, the pre-school that recycles old containers and plastic wrappers and uses them for craft and ice-packs, and our garden which we are planting food to be used for the canteen.

KINTORE STREET SCHOOL (GRADE 6): We are a special needs school located in Katherine Northern Territory. Our core values include having fun, showing curiosity, responsibility, cooperation and persistence. Students are involved in recycling cans and learn sustainability through the garden to plate initiative offered by our Food Ladder greenhouse, vegetable garden and pizza oven. Many of our Indigenous students have totems that they have incorporated into the design with the Katherine Gorge, Hot Springs and Low Level being places where many of our students go fishing and swimming. Students are also involved in their local community through sports and other activities. The hands are a symbol of our multicultural town and closing the gap between cultures. The town is always known to get together to support each other through the good and difficult times.
#paintaustraliabeautiful & tag @keepaustraliabeautiful & @haymespaint then share the voting link, get the most votes and WIN!*

CRAIGSLEA STATE SCHOOL (GRADE 1-4): Our mural was put together using the artwork of children in grades 1-4. These children regularly attend weekend working bees in the school garden and are very enthusiastic about keeping our school environment beautiful. They’ve even been known to pick up litter at a local park while their parents are meeting to discuss the school garden plans for the coming term. What a bunch of legends! The children’s artworks were turned into a mural design by a P&C sustainability committee member to represent our local creek and nature reserves and the plants, animals and insects that we love sharing our suburb with. The environmental tips from the Earth reinforce the key messages in our school’s sustainability journey and the bright colour pallet will attract the attention of everyone who walks past.

GARBUTT STATE SCHOOL (PREP-6): The words in the design mean welcome in various indigenous languages from the surrounding areas of our school. As a small school it was important that we included a welcome message into the design as we further develop a strong relationship with the surrounding community of the school. The design represents the unique indigenous cultures at our school and the people represent the students working with community to create a sustainable future. The plant is the focus of the design as the students have just been learning about and assisting with the school sustainability program where they are creating compost from scraps of lunch for our bush tucker garden.
#paintaustraliabeautiful & tag @keepaustraliabeautiful & @haymespaint then share the voting link, get the most votes and WIN!*

AUSTINS FERRY PRIMARY (GRADE 3-4): Each of our grade 3/4 classes has chosen a native animal to study for their inquiry unit: Submerged, focussing on the animals that live in and around the rivulet that runs along the edge of our school grounds. Our mural concept features these animals and the Eastern Barred Bandicoot which was the focus of last year’s inquiry unit. The bandicoot is a threatened species and so efforts were made to create a space free from predators for the population we have living in our rivulet. Our students are keen to spread awareness about how to protect these special areas. This mural project allows us to create something really special to share with our local community about protecting the beautiful rivulet areas and it’s inhabitants. Not to mention we have some big ugly shipping containers that we have wanted to paint a mural on for a long time!

PENGUIN DISTRICT SCHOOL (GRADE 1-2): The children have been investigating the element of line in their weekly art class. Part of our investigation was looking at line in nature. We looked at various art works including a local indigenous artist for inspiration. We discussed the importance of our connection to where we live and the children expressed how lucky we are here in Penguin School to have the ocean, beach, bushland and iconic Dial Range Mountains surrounding us. We have just moved into a new school with a spectacular view looking over the ocean from on top of a hill. We discussed how important it is to care and nurture our special place. Using line as a focus they used chalk pastels to represent these elements of our environment. In contrast to our beautiful surroundings the play pod container currently looks out of place and we hope to beautify it and enhance the playground.
#paintaustraliabeautiful & tag @keepaustraliabeautiful & @haymespaint then share the voting link, get the most votes and WIN!*

CHRIST THE PRIEST PRIMARY (GRADE 3-6): The design is a collective drawing done by students from Year 3-6 who participate in Art Club every week. Over the weeks we discussed birds and flora that live in our area and students drew lots of designs. Finally it was decided to add a Wedge-Tailed eagle to honour Bunjil, the creator of the Wurundjeri people on which land our school stands, a lorikeet, a yellow-crusted cockatoo and corellas which we have in abundance in Caroline Springs. The butterflies are an endangered species called Eltham Copper butterflies. In the top left and right hand corner students drew a bottle brush and a gum nut tree flower which adorns our street. The sun, rainbow water and trees are all very significant to our community. As Catholics, we believe God created beauty around us not just to admire but to look after and this is in line with the Wurundjeri people.

SOUTH GEELONG PRIMARY (GRADE 3-4): Maichi’s design was one of 5 separate nature mural submissions we entered. In this mural Maichi aspires to represent all cultures that make up Australia including our Aboriginal culture. She wants her design to remind everyone that we are all equal and to take pride in the differences that make each and everyone of us so unique. On her mural the earth and hands represent different cultures and countries. She has included Australian plants and animals including Bunjil the eagle. She has also deliberately included some Aboriginal art into her design. Maichi’s design was selected to be submitted because of her strong message of inclusion and respect for everyone. We also admire the care and thought she put into her design along with her use of bright colours and a balanced composition and think it would make a beautiful mural should her design be successful.
#paintaustraliabeautiful & tag @keepaustraliabeautiful & @haymespaint then share the voting link, get the most votes and WIN!*

BODDINGTON DHS (GRADE 6): This design is about the natural beauty of Boddington surrounds. The animals, insects and trees were chosen to be central and specific to our area, town & community, in particular endangered animals such as the numbat & red tail cockatoo were discussed in detail. The students brainstormed appropriate native flora & fauna and discussion arose about animals that are not local and even invasive species such as sheep & kookaburras. The children understood the importance of choosing native animals to WA. The mural includes the Hotham River which runs through our town & is local to all the families.

EAST NARROGIN PRIMARY (GRADE 6): This is a representation of our school and surrounding areas, with native flora and fauna. Our school logo is of the sun coming up over our town that is between two hills. East Narrogin Primary school is well represented by our Noongar community and we value providing all our students with connection to land. This project is a continuation of our Noongar garden and creating a space for students and the wider community to embrace their pride and culture. Our school is rebranding and focussing on growth. Improving our physical environment will help in promoting our school and creating a stronger sense of belonging for our school community. Allowing our students to be involved in a project from the beginning and following it through the full process provides pride and empowerment.
#paintaustraliabeautiful & tag @keepaustraliabeautiful & @haymespaint then share the voting link, get the most votes and WIN!*
Unfortunately we didn’t get any entries from you this year!
Now you have a WHOLE year to think of something GREAT!
KAB has partnered with Haymes Paint as a major sponsor to help eight lucky primary schools, one from each state and territory, to bring their mural to life.
Learn more about what makes Haymes Paint such a Great Australian Brand and why they want to lead the way in supporting primary schools and the environment.

Register your interest TODAY to stay up to date with the latest #PaintAustraliaBeautiful information.

Ready to submit your primary school’s #PaintAustraliaBeautiful Mural?
Fill in your application and upload your proposed mural design and your wall of choice. From 8 Feb 2023.

*Terms and conditions apply: Competition open to all Australian primary schools (Registrants must be aged 18 years or over and have permission from the school to register). By submitting an entry, participants agree to the use of their name, video and/or image in any publicity material. Competition open from 8 February 2023 – 6 April 2023 at 5pm AEDT. Limit of one entry per school. Shortlist announced 20 April 2023. Public voting open from 20 April – 7 May 2023 5pm AEDT. Winners announced 10 May 2023, 5pm AEDT. Paint vouchers supplied mid May 2023. Deadline for completed murals 28 July. Read full terms and conditions.
GOOD NEWS! If you are an Eco-School, or are thinking about joining Eco-Schools, the Paint Australia Beautiful Campaign will count towards your accreditation as part of the “INFORMING & INVOLVING” step. Learn More.
Eco-Schools is the largest global sustainable schools program. Founded in 1994, it operates in 70 countries and engages 19.5 million young people globally.
The Eco-Schools program uses engaging, next generation action-based learning in a simple, seven step framework that guides, empowers and motivates pupils to drive change and improve environmental awareness in their school, local community and beyond. Learn More.

Paint Australia Beautiful Media Release
Keep Australia Beautiful (KAB) nurtures and finds new ways to care for our environment and educate the next generation. In 2023 KAB, in partnership with Haymes Paint, will run the inaugural Paint Australia Beautiful competition, engaging primary schools nationally. Paint Australia Beautiful was created to inspire children to think more deeply about how they can care for the environment and express their vision through a mural art project. Read more…