Thank you for joining #KABWeek2023 – 6R’s of Waste!

Together, we have the power to make big changes to help our environment. ‘

Your commitment to #ReduceWhatsInYourBin during #KABWeek2023 and choose one of the #6RsOfWaste means you’re joining thousands of other Australians on a mission to keep our country beautiful.


Want to spread the word?

We need the help of our community to get the message out there. We’d love if you can share you challenge on social media to let others know how they can show support for environment.

DO THE RIGHT THING and get your Household, Work place or School engaged in the challenge then share your success stories with us to help us Spread the word!


#KABWeek2023 #6RsOfWaste #ReduceWhatsInYourBin